3 Steps to Sustainable Weight Loss without Sacrifcing a life well lived


Transform your body and become THE healthiest you've ever been WITHOUT restriction, excessive cardo or skipping your best friend's birtrhday dinner

Everything you’ve been taught about dieting, cardio and weight loss isn’t true

Wish you could break free from the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting and spending all your free time at the gym, because you’ve finally found a path to weight loss that works? 

How about being able to indulge in Mom’s famous sugar cookies without worrying you’ll need to “start over” again in the morning, because you’ve planned to leave room for life’s little treats? 

Or how about building toned muscle, loving the way you look and standing confidently in the center of the Instagram photo instead of hiding in the back? (It’s time to start capturing life, not hiding from it because you’re embarrassed!) 

This is for you...

Drop extra fat and build lean + toned muscle by leveraging the science of macros (The secret to sustainable and healthy weight loss) 

Work with your metabolism instead of against it, so you can kickstart your fat loss and hit your body recomposition goals with my step-by-step method

Increase your energy, drop a jeans size, and feel confident as hell in your body … without turning into a cardio bunny or banishing carbohydrates (life is too short to never eat cake again) 

Demystify the diet industry and bust the blocks that have been keeping you stuck for far too long (even though you’ve been doing “all the right things”)

I’ll show you how to:

in this 60-minute masterclass

PLUS! Get access to my macros guide

When you show up live, you’re not only getting a full hour of training and a Q&A. Stay until the end, and you’ll also get my Full Year of Macro Planning Guide, so you can get started transforming your body immediately.


the reviews

- Lindsay

After this I feel prepared entering the holiday season... thank you so much!!


- Brooke

Dani took me through a reverse diet in the fall!... Makes me excited for everyone else learning more about this part of the cycle. Love seeing more women finally escape the dang deficit life!


- Lori

I now realize I can eat so many foods that I have been scared of eating and know they don't make me gain weight like I always believed. I have a completely different outlook on dieting thanks to this"


Dedicate 60 Minutes To This Training, You’ll Get A Foolproof Fat-Loss Process You Can Use For A Lifetime

Want the dish on what to expect during this masterclass

Give this training just one hour, and you’ll be glad you did.

You’ll walk away with sooo many juicy nuggets on healthy eating, increasing your energy, feeling confident in your body, and losing body fat in a sustainable way.

Plus, you can implement these proven strategies literally NOW to kickstart true, long-lasting weight loss and transform your body without sacrificing your favorite foods.

Grab your notebook, because this training is action-packed!

Get Your Burning Health Questions Answered

After coaching 1,000+ women on long-term fat loss, I’ve got knowledge to share. During this training, I’ll be answering the questions I receive from women most often. From...

“How do I know macros will work for me?” to...

 “When can I expect to see results?” and more, I’ve left no stone unturned – and no question left unanswered.

I know what it takes to master your macros and see lasting success, and I’m sharing it with you right here for free. 

Receive A Bonus “The Full Year of Macro Planning” Guide – Just for Showing Up

Whether you’re trying to lose fat, build muscle, or develop a healthier relationship with food, this guide can help. I’ll outline how to plan out a full year of macros, based on your unique goals.

Consider it your macro coach and accountability buddy for the next 365 days, helping you map out your macro phases efficiently for every step of your nutrition journey.

Download it, and start mapping out your perfect macro success strategy now. 

Like most women, diet culture left me feeling defeated. After trying every fad diet under the sun, doing hours of cardio each week, and living exclusively off veggies and pure protein, all I had was a lengthy list of things that didn’t get lasting results. 

One good thing that came from all that trial and error? I got hungry for ways of getting healthy that actually worked.


meet your educator

Hi! I'm Dani,

Within a few short weeks, I started seeing changes in my body I’d never seen before. I noticed my stomach getting flatter, my brain fog clearing, and my energy levels skyrocketing. Even better, it was easy to maintain! 
Now I help other women like you look and feel their best — while still enjoying meals out, celebrations, traveling, and all the delicious moments that make life worth living. 

Because of my teachings, more than 1,000 women have lost body fat, increased their energy, boosted their confidence, and dropped their sugar cravings for good. 

Inside this masterclass, I’m revealing the 3 steps for losing fat, building muscle, and balancing your hormones with macros. 

Get Ready for Results Like These:

no longer feels hungry during the day

more energy & focus

Lost 3.25 inches!

Ready to transform your body, not just for now but forever? 

next step